Debunking Coffee Misconceptions Part 1: All Coffee is Bitter

We all have had a crap cup of coffee at one point in time. Whether it was made by your Grandma or at a cheap hamburger joint, the disappointment of drinking a bitter cup of coffee hurts. Usually, bitter coffee comes down to poor brewing techniques, such as over extraction, which occurs when the good flavors in the coffee grounds are extracted, leaving the bitter flavors present. Although this unfortunately happens often, over extraction and coffee bitterness can be avoided if one uses the correct coffee brewing techniques. That’s why here at Roastery 48, we roast small batches of craft beans that are carefully sourced for quality and flavor.

The difference lies in our use of fluid-bed roasters, which not only results in a fresher, tastier cup of coffee but is safer and healthier as well. How can this be? The fluid-bed roasting technique removes both carcinogens and harmful chemicals, resulting in the purist coffee available.

Don’t believe us? Look it up.

Premium, high-quality coffee served at Roastery 48 is flavorful and never bitter, even our espresso blends. We offer a wide variety of flavors, such as coconut cream, Honduran, and even whiskey. Take us up on our word and get yourself a bag of R48 coffee today!